Of Course, Amy Coney Barrett Worked On <em>Bush v. Gore</em>
You don't get to be the top of Donald Trump's SCOTUS shortlist without lots of conservative bona fides.
You don't get to be the top of Donald Trump's SCOTUS shortlist without lots of conservative bona fides.
Donald Trump has no right to compare himself to Al Gore.
Recent CounselLink upgrades integrate the full in-house workflow with the broader suite of LexisNexis products.
Some offices bet on March Madness; Supreme Court justices bet on....
Justice Breyer screened one of his favorite films, then shared some thoughts on Bush v. Gore and Citizens United.
Ed. note: Apologies for the technical difficulties that have prevented us from posting until now. Thanks for your patience! * Attention prospective law school applicants: affirmative action, at least as we currently know it, may not be long for this world. A decision in the Fisher v. University of Texas case is expected as early as this week. Stay tuned. [Reuters] * Justice Stephen Breyer had to get shoulder replacement surgery after having yet another bike accident (his third, actually). Please — somebody, anybody — get this man some training wheels. Justice is at stake! [New York Times] * “We’re not going to take it, goodbye.” That’s what retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor wishes the high court would have said when it came to the controversial Bush v. Gore case. [Chicago Tribune] * Thanks to the sequester, the Boston bombings case may turn into a “David and Goliath” situation. Sorry, Dzhokhar, but your defense team may be subject to 15 days of furlough. [National Law Journal] * George Gallantz, the “founding father” of Proskauer’s sports law practice, RIP. [New York Law Journal] * Leo Branton Jr., the defense attorney at the helm of the Angela Davis trial, RIP. [New York Times]
Did politics influence the decision in Bush v. Gore? A Supreme Court justice has the answer...
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When asked about the decision in Bush v. Gore, Justice Antonin Scalia — one of the best legal minds in modern American history — tells questioners to “get over it.” That’s right, the Supreme Court decided the winner of a popular presidential election, and one of the architects of that decision wants people to not […]
“Okay, Judge Bork. Smile and say ‘The Original Understanding’!!!” (Also: Is that Harvard Law prof Laurence Tribe standing behind Robert Bork, or just someone who looks a lot like him?) Earlier this week, we gave you a detailed report about the fabulous nuptials of Ted Olson — the winning lawyer in Bush v. Gore, former […]